..........to MY BLOG. =) Love is not a thing to understand. Love is not a thing to feel. Love is not a thing to give and receive. Love is a thing only to become, and eternally be.....

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Disappointed in you...

Here i am again, sittin here bloggin after a very long time.
when i blog means tat's nt a good news.
u said u din treat me bad.
so? din treat me bad means treating me very gd??
i duno, perhaps v hv different opinion on things.
duno how 2 describe, juz sittin here feelin disappointed in u.
maybe is nt ur fault, it's mine.
yea, i oso duno y i to choose u.
there are guys who can acc me whenever i'm feelin lonely, even late at nite..
there are guys who can love me n buy me anythin i wan..
there are guys who wil pamper me like a princess..
there are guys who wil reply my msg fast coz they noe i'll wry..
there are guys who can gv in to me when v quarrel..
there are guys who even say sry to me even is my fault..
there are guys who can comfort me when i'm in a very bad situation..
there are guys who can tolerate v my hot temper attitude n stil treating me nice..
there are guys who can help me anytime whenever i call for their help........
of all so many nice n gd guys out there...why?? why u??
i'm juz gettin more n more confuse in myself.
ppl owez say do nt compare, bt how can u don compare?
if anybody who really doesnt compare things, tat's bcoz they r afraid to face reality!
so, how can i don compare? y i choose u?
y other can b much better thn u n i choose u?
b4 if u ask me i would ans bcoz of love
for now?? i duno...i seriously duno...
gettin more n more confuse these days...juz wana let things b as it is...
perhaps things should go bek to where all it starts?
where v were stil normal fren,
where i don hv 2 care n wry so much bout u....
where i don hv to get hurt so much too....
u noe, smts things should juz stay as it is
if it's over d limit, where u love a person too much,
care for them too much, n wry bout them too much,
d only thing u'll get is hurtin urself too much...
used to hv a fren to share my prob, bt now..aih...4get it
ntg else to say, n duno wat to do nxt...
d only thing i noe is tat......i'm stupid........

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