..........to MY BLOG. =) Love is not a thing to understand. Love is not a thing to feel. Love is not a thing to give and receive. Love is a thing only to become, and eternally be.....

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Shop shop n shop

quite a bz day 2day
woke up
went to hv breakfast v mummy
mummy took me to eat d so-called famous
'koay teow soup'
okla, stil nt bad
but duno y izit so famous
after tat v went to econ save to buy some fruits
as ltr v r goin to d temple to pray
headed to d temple right after tat

after praying, we went to pacific to collect d spec i did d other day
it's ready to collect.
well....some how it din turn out tat well
kinda dizzy wearing it
perhaps m juz nt used to it yet
but this nvr happen
i nvr hv prob v new spec
anyhow, wil juz try a few more days
if it's stil nt ok thn i'll go bek to d shop

n i finally got my ear plug at master pharmacy
wew..it's exp
3 packs for RM36
money money n money
been spending a lot these days

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New shoes

Bought a pair of shoes for lab today.
finally got my size.
been finding it for such a long time
here, there, everywhere...
don hv my size
sigh, it's bad to hv small feet

hapi tat i finally got my shoes
however, d purse which i like it's edi sold out =(
hope tat i can find it else where

there's a lot more to buy
n a lot more to spend
feeling guilty to spend so much

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Tuesday, April 19, 2011


time passes very fast
i'm leaving soon.
i don wan to think bout it
as thinking bout it makes me sad.
ppl might think it's weird
or might think m funny
coz everyone's looking 4 ward to go over
bt 4 me?
i'd had all my love here
if i go there m all alone
nt to mean tat i go there alone
bt my love ones r nt v me
how i wish i go n come bek fast
grad n work.
it's edi nearing end of april
only 1 month plus to go
and tat's it
d day wil arrive
no choice
wish me luck.....

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