..........to MY BLOG. =) Love is not a thing to understand. Love is not a thing to feel. Love is not a thing to give and receive. Love is a thing only to become, and eternally be.....

Sunday, January 16, 2011

OMG....it's edi 2011!!!

it'd edi 2011!!!
and....i'm OLD >.<
no no...i don wana be old.
but nvm...
positive thinking...
i look young ehh??? =)

it's been a long time since i blog.
i noe, coz m a lazy blogger.
but it doesnt matter anyway
coz i don blog to earn money
nor hv any followers reading it.
it's juz me taking crap here. @.@

it's edi week 11.
juz finish 3 class tests.
1 word....SUCKS to d max >.<
ok, mayb except DD2.
there's stil 1 more class test to go.
n tat gona ruin my CNY!!!
i ruined my x'mas n new yr
n now my CNY

hold on....i keep telling myself
another 1 n hf yrs more to go
hang on tight
no matter how hard things gona b
juz hang on tight
it's juz d begining now
it gona b worst whn i'm there all alone
so i gona b strong
keep myself strong
praying hard to God every night.

Well, 1 more class test to go
it's d EOS....AGAIN!
y i think like d last EOS was like juz last week?
wat hv i been doin?
ohh...n there's DD3 assignment to b done.
and wat am i doin here?
where m suppose to b doin my assignment.
nxt weekend i'll b bz v d wedding
i should hv do smtg
at least touch a bit tis weekend.
but since i finish my DD2 class test on wed
i'd been slacking til now!! >.<
i muz push myself foward.
i muz!!!
i muz get d discussion part done tmr!!!
YES!!! i noe i can do it.
+U +U

Actually i hv lots of things to blog about
bout my feeling n d ppl around me.
but m hungry now >.<
so, wil talk baout it other time.
til then...chao~

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