..........to MY BLOG. =) Love is not a thing to understand. Love is not a thing to feel. Love is not a thing to give and receive. Love is a thing only to become, and eternally be.....

Friday, June 4, 2010

The Weekend

It's fri...
and it's d lonely weekend again.
juz bek from class sittin here thinking...
thinking of wat to do tis weekend
perhaps i should go for a movie n some delicious food
gv myself a gd treat
been craving for delicious for weeks
i wan no more stupid boring cater food, fried rice, burger
and no more stupid ppl who ned time for their family
oh, n nt to forget tidiously a God-mother!

i should go out tis weekend.
going out alone its nt tat bad after all
can have all d time for myself.
watch d movie i wan
eat d food i wan
don ned to argue v ppl
don ned to c some ppl's stupid face
and most important
don even ned to care bout anything! =)
m free~~

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